When a million people shout “What about us?” - you better listen.

To paraphrase Bill Clinton …”It’s the audience, stupid”. You forget them at your peril.  

Audiences are fickle, they’re like a massive flock of starlings swooping over a huge expanse of sky and it’s anyone’s guess which way they’ll turn next. But audiences are also intelligent, hungry for content and during lockdown, they’ve become more adventurous in their choices. And like starlings, it’s hard to work out which way they’re all heading.

Audiences are demanding a more complex range of stories therefore simple economics demand that Decision Makers should be commissioning from a far wider pool of storytellers. Good stories aren’t the preserve of established production companies. Failure to find and commission them is both a creative and a financial loss.

SMASH was conceived in response to this lack of diversity. As producers ourselves, we’re acutely aware of the problems faced by content creators - the closed doors, the unspoken rules, the protectionist attitudes.

All we ask is to let the ideas speak for themselves. 

Everyone has a project up their sleeve that they believe the world is waiting for.  But very few people have the opportunity to express that idea in a format that decision makers understand.

We want to empower content creators and give them the tools to enable them to share their incredible ideas and projects with decision makers.  

At the end of the day, it’s about the audience.

Stay tuned for exciting news soon!

Photo by Rhys Kentish on Unsplash


SMASH secures Innovate UK grant