Glasgow Film Festival FUNNY FEATURES

Are you developing a comedy feature? Is this your first or second feature? Our new talent development lab, Funny Features, is designed to support producers, writers and writer/directors looking to develop and finance comedy projects.   

Funny Features is an innovative new talent lab from our Industry team that aims to invigorate the industry by addressing the lack of initiatives for producers looking to finance comedy genre projects.

Successful producers, writers, and writer/directors will take part in workshops and mentoring sessions covering a range of topics from script consultation, pitching, and film finance packaging.

Project teams will complete the lab with a polished script, a finance package, and a network of contacts.

If you're working on a comedy feature, click the link below to find out more!

For more information:

Applications for Funny Features will open on Wednesday 5 June at 12 noon and will close on Wednesday 21 August at 12 noon.

Applications must be submitted via MySmashMedia –


Glasgow Film Festival Animatic


Pitch at the Kingston International Film Festival